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Virtual Candle
Thank you for hearing my prayers . thank you for loving me Jesus
Name: T
Date: 27 Aug 22 12:02am
Virtual Candle
Please send a true man of honor and of you god into my life when the time is right. I live in low income housing. Im ashamed of being poor. I am trying to achieve a better life from attaining work. Please help me. Learn to be independent. I want to make my family proud . Please help me lord God .
Name: T
Date: 26 Aug 22 11:49pm
Virtual Candle
I lost 90 lbs. Thank you god . for helping me. Please do not quit on me. I have 70 more lbs to lose. Please god thank you so much for helping me. Ijnip
Name: Tess
Date: 26 Aug 22 11:44pm
Virtual Candle
Please pray for me that I find a way to break away from my bf. Hes sick and into camming. He lives 2000 miles away from me. I m in a toxic ldr . its been about him getting naked. He never cares to see me. Its embarrassing. I just want to date others . Im lonely . I miss being held and hugged and wooed. Im tired . Im growing to prefer being alone than with him. Please god. Send someone else into my life. Heal me. Ijnip
Name: Tc
Date: 26 Aug 22 11:36pm
Virtual Candle
Please lord comfort dad and relieve him of his and let him know we will keep mom in a happy place
Name: Dad2
Date: 20 Aug 22 04:50am
Virtual Candle
Repose of the soul of my dear departed husband, Clement.
Name: Ingrid
Date: 10 Aug 22 01:16am
Virtual Candle
Happy Birthday Manisha
Name: Manisha
Date: 08 Aug 22 09:47pm
Virtual Candle
Thank you Blessed One for your assistance in receiving all of the the monies that are owed to me now. I know all is well.
Name: David
Date: 11 Jul 22 04:42pm
Virtual Candle
My wish is control peoples mind threw just any target usernamer
Name: Maxim Ovcharov
Date: 01 Jul 22 05:52pm
Virtual Candle
My wish is read peoples mind threw internet
Name: Maxim Ovcharov
Date: 01 Jul 22 05:48pm
Virtual Candle
Read peoples mind in real life
Name: Maxim Ovcharov
Date: 01 Jul 22 05:45pm
Virtual Candle
I wish to control peoples minds using my voice
Name: Maxim Ovcharov
Date: 01 Jul 22 05:36pm
Virtual Candle
I wish to read people minds
Name: Maxim Ovcharov
Date: 01 Jul 22 05:19pm
Virtual Candle
Fly High.
Name: Deborah James
Date: 29 Jun 22 03:10am
Virtual Candle
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all you have provided for my kids and I, please open new doors for us and Marty. May my birthday bring love, peace and happiness to us all.
For this is in your name!
Name: Elizabeth
Date: 22 Jun 22 08:15pm
Virtual Candle
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Most Holy Spirit, Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Blessed Holy Family, Host of Angels, Saints, and Guardian Angel. With great thanks for your ever Blessings and Gifts, please forgive me my sins and thank you for your continued presence in this personal intention. Amen
Name: Barry T.
Date: 16 Jun 22 06:28pm
Virtual Candle
Thibault, jouw examen zal goed gaan.
Name: Thibault
Date: 13 Jun 22 09:24am
Virtual Candle
Thank you for your forgiveness, gifts, and Blessings in all areas of my life. Amen
Name: Btb
Date: 11 Jun 22 06:36pm
Virtual Candle
Please keep me safe and protected from those who lie about me and cause problems. Help me to get my status fixed so that I can get back to my home.
Name: Robin Bernard
Date: 11 Jun 22 05:21am
Virtual Candle
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Most Holy Spirit, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, Blessed Holy Family, Host of Saints and Angels, Guardian Angel. In this time of transition please forgive me my sins, thank you for the many undeserved gifts, and please continue to guide, strengthen, and forgive me in all spiritual, personal, professional, financial, and social affairs, and thank you for the opportunities you provide. May it all be Blessed in Your Name. Amen.
Name: Btb
Date: 03 Jun 22 05:38pm

207 candles