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Virtual Candle
A candle for Catherine and her baby for a safe delivery .
Name: Catherine
Date: 05 Jul 24 10:05pm
Virtual Candle
Granddaughter applied for a fellowship and made first cut. at Acute Care - Praying she be interviewed and gets in.
Healing of my constant dizziness / skull / brain / improves memory /vision - caused by assault 2 yrs. ago.
Name: Lydia
Date: 04 Jul 24 05:44pm
Virtual Candle
Name: V
Date: 03 Jul 24 07:13pm
Virtual Candle
Name: V
Date: 03 Jul 24 07:12pm
Virtual Candle
Please remove the spiritual parasite from my life, surroundings and conscious thoughts. I must have the missing soul piece restored.
Name: Deana
Date: 03 Jul 24 01:01am
Virtual Candle
Happy birthday!
Name: Elsa
Date: 21 Jun 24 12:50am
Virtual Candle
For our Friendship, peace, harmony and Love-Luisa
Name: Verna
Date: 17 Jun 24 09:56pm
Virtual Candle
:crystalc: :crystalc:
Name: Anônimo
Date: 15 Jun 24 03:54am
Virtual Candle
:rsc: My beloved boyfriend Bucky, who served in the military and lost his life in Iraq.
Name: Lillian
Date: 31 May 24 01:12am
Virtual Candle
Welcome home!
Name: Baby Quine
Date: 28 May 24 09:58am
Virtual Candle
:( :( :( :(
Name: Alexi Navalny
Date: 01 Mar 24 03:15pm
Virtual Candle
dont let things get worse, i dont want to do something bad
Name: Pf
Date: 17 Feb 24 04:55am
Virtual Candle
I pray Felix may rest
Name: Vitaliy
Date: 13 Feb 24 08:05pm
Virtual Candle
Name: Kai
Date: 13 Jan 24 01:05am
Virtual Candle
Thank you Blessed One for assisting me in getting a response from the property manager to resolved the water and plumbing issues in my new apartment. I am so grateful to you. I know all is well.
Name: David
Date: 07 Jan 24 12:01am
Virtual Candle
I wish i will give Ashley that's on my cell phone contact $25 dollars that she will get it from my $25 dollar American express gift card that i will buy from CVS store that she will tell me she has my $25 dollars i sent her so i can see my wishes cometrue and see results that i am very happy and grateful that i will get my wishes soon on December 28 2023 that i will be very happy and not sad anymore that i will be able to have fun and give gifts to two people my stepmom Peta and my niece Ava too
Name: Paul M Deniro J
Date: 26 Dec 23 05:18am
Virtual Candle
I wish tomorrow on Christmas day December 25 2023 I Paul M Deniro Jackson will get a unused 6ft4 real toy red plastic Zoltar machine that can grant me unlimited wishes that will be my last Christmas gift for the rest of my life that i will put the Zoltar machine in my bed room and i will keep it on when my dad is not around but when my dad is around i will turn it off because i want to respect his house hold and his house rules and let my family and friends play with it so they can have fun too
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 25 Dec 23 02:14am
Virtual Candle
i wish tomorrow on Christmas day December 25 2023 if Santa Claus gives me a unused 6ft4 red plastic Zoltar machine for christmas i want it to only grant me unlimited wishes that i will be very happy and very excited to have the zoltar machine and i would want it to be mines and i will share it with friends and family and i will be grateful and thankful that i have it and i promise i wont ask santa claus for anything else anymore and i will promise to stop talking about wanting one i just want it
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 24 Dec 23 06:28pm
Virtual Candle
I wish on Christmas day December 25 2023 i will be a shapeshifter and become a super human with unlimited opposite gender shapeshifting powers and unlimited reverse mimicry powers that i can make unlimited females appealing to me copy what i do and copy what i say and that i get hit by a lighting freak accident explosion what gives me these two super powers and i want to show them off to ladies that they saw i am creepy and that i disguise and they don't know where i am and that i move to Nevada
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 24 Dec 23 06:13am
Virtual Candle
I wish on Christmas day December 25 2023 that i get a unused 6ft4 red plastic zoltar machine that can only grant me unlimited wishes forever and that i will make wishes until my hearts content and i will have the power and my relatives will found out that i can make wishes with my zoltar machine and those wishes cometrue and i will see results and i will see the wishes and people will be shocked and i will love my zoltar machine and i will be obsessed with it and i will have fun with it always
Name: Paul Jackson
Date: 24 Dec 23 06:09am

209 candles